Wednesday, December 28, 2005
KKK To Protest Gay Marriage in Iowa
To be fair, I was unable to find verification on this story from Davenport, Iowa's KWQC-TV. Seems the KKK has plans to protest gay marriage in Des Moines in January.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Barney Frank on the Senate hate crime measure
A hate crimes bill, which has passed the Senate three times before, is now stalled because of disagreements over extending specific protections for gender identity, according to Congressman Barney Frank (D-Mass.). The report from The Senate version of the bill, sponsored by Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Gordon Smith (R-Ore.), includes protection based on sexual orientation and real or perceived gender. Unlike the House version, there is no explicit language calling for transgender crime victims to be included.
PM Tony Blair on celebrating Civil Partnership Act
"I am proud it was this Labour Government that has brought in these modernising and fair measures - and I can't imagine that any government will reverse them." You can read the full statement at the online edition of Britian's The Independent. You know Dubya and the boys would never show support like this.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
John Stewart's Latest "Gaywatch"
The Daily Show's John Stewart made another hilarious foray into his "Gaywatch" segments on Tuesday. This time he took on Ford's recent cave-in to the American Family Association's threatened boycott (now, perhaps, withdrawn) demanding that Ford remove it's advertising in GLBT publications. To be fair, it appears now, according to AMERICAblog, that Ford has reconsidered it's position. At any rate, Crooks And Liars has a link to the Stewart video. Available in two flavors - wmv or qt, depending on your preference.
Monday, December 12, 2005
"Porn" statue is back on display
We mentioned here in November the naked statue in San Francisco that the police called "pornographic" and required the shop owner to cover up. The Bay Area Reporter says the statue has now been uncovered to reveal its true beauty. The story is here - a warning: the story contains a probably-not-safe-for-work, kids or prudes photo.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Too Fun To Be Missed - Part 2

Again today, not exactly news but funny anyway. Found on the always interesting Go there for the full-size pic.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Too Fun To Be Missed
While not strictly news, this posting on the wonderful Joe. My. God. blog is a fabulously funny line-up of great movie lines referred to as "Gay Men's 100 All Time Favorite Movie Quotes". The must-read addition is the "comments" section at the bottom of the post, featuring several dozen of the most appropriate (and UNappropriate) movie lines to use when you just have to say something. Personal favorite - "It looks like a penis, only smaller."
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Girl can sue school for telling mom she's gay
A federal judge ruled that a lesbian student can sue her school district and her principal for revealing her homosexuality to her mother. “This is the first court ruling we’re aware of where a judge has recognized that a student has a right not to have her sexual orientation disclosed to her parents, even if she is out of the closet at school,” said Christine Sun, an ACLU attorney who brought the case. More from
Seminary doors closed to ‘real’ homosexuals
In the new language of the Vatican, homosexuality is a “tendency.” The church doesn’t define tendency, nor does it say whether such a tendency is biological. Voluntary or not, it marks a man permanently. Ironically, the only exemptions are offered to men who were not “real” homosexuals but “transitory” ones. An opinion column by Ellen Goodman as published in the Dec. 3 edition of the Quad-City Times.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Government site for HIV+ Veterans
HIV-positive veterans, their healthcare providers, and the general public now have a Veterans web site , which is designed as an informational and educational resource on HIV and AIDS, according to a University of California-San Francisco ( UCSF ) news release. The site is the product of collaboration between the Public Health Strategic Health Care Group in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the Center for HIV Information at UCSF.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Three clicks donates a dollar to AIDS⁄HIV research.
From "Click the title, click where you live, click why you want them to donate. They're giving up to $100,000, but only if you click on it! They're over 1/3 of the way there!" The site is It takes only 30 seconds of your time. You give up no information. It's the easiest thing you can do to commemorate World Aids Day.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Illinois may see gay marriage fight
"Illinois does not want to be the last state in the union to do this," said David Smith, director of Protect Marriage Illinois, a Chicago-area group organizing the petition drive to gather about a half-million signatures to get the question of gay marriage on the ballot next year. But gay rights activists predicted the effort won't get past the first procedural hurdle in politically moderate Illinois. Organizers are collecting signatures around the state to put on the November 2006 ballot an advisory referendum asking for an addition to the state constitution. The addition would read: "To secure and preserve the benefits of marriage for our society and for future generations of children, a marriage between a man and a woman is the only legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this state." The story from Kevin McDermott the of St. Louis Post-Dispatch's Springfield, IL., bureau.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Illinois' New Sexual Orientation Protections
Beginning January 1st, The Illinois Human Rights Act is amended to include sexual orientation in its list of individual protections. The amendment ..."[secures] for all individuals within Illinois the freedom from discrimination against any individual because of his or her race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, physical or mental handicap, military status, sexual orientation, or unfavorable discharge from military service in connection with employment, real estate transactions, access to financial credit, and the availability of public accommodations." The entire amendment is at the web site of the Illinois General Assembly.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Focus on Family to Distribute Balls
Focus on the Family plans to distribute 5,000 stress balls during Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, part of an effort to reach more people during the holidays with its faith-based advice on everything from eating disorders to depression and sex. For example, the information on talking to teens about homosexuality includes an article debunking the idea that people are born gay. The story from the Associated Press as published at The
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
CNN's Rick Sanchez: Thanksgiving Turkey
The always entertaining Malcontent writes "If this had happened on Fox News, the howls of protest would be deafening. But alas, it was on the "favored" network of the liberal elite." He's referring to this posting on the Manhattan Offender.
Monday, November 21, 2005
"Rainbow Vision" for Gay Retirees
Joy Silver is working to create a retirement facility--not only for herself but also for hundreds of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people who eventually will move into a soon-to-open community dubbed RainbowVision on the outskirts of Santa Fe.
The Chicago Tribune's national correspondent Kirsten Scharnberg has the details.
The Chicago Tribune's national correspondent Kirsten Scharnberg has the details.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Judge releases Mayor West's gay-themed computer data
A judge on Thursday granted a newspaper's request to make public the gay-themed contents of Spokane Mayor James West's city-owned laptop computer, but prevented the release of 3,300 pictures from a gay-oriented Web site. West is the subject of a Dec. 6 recall election because of a sex scandal involving gay men, and several news organizations have demanded the release of the contents of West's computer under the state's Open Public Records Act. The story from May contain a pop-up.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Fox New enters Brown's Sex Power God party
Brown U.'s annual Sex Power God tradition made national news Monday night when Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor" aired footage of Saturday's party taped by a producer who attended the Queer Alliance event but did not identify himself at the time. Between images of grinding undergrads in their underwear, producer Jesse Watters described the event as "pure debauchery." Here's the story from the online edition of The Brown Daily Herald.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
'Gay' Out of Fashion
According to a recent article in the International Herald Tribune, the word 'gay' no longer pertains to both men and women. Here's the article from the UK's
Monday, November 14, 2005
Iowa gay students harassed says survey
The Iowa Pride Network has published the results of their 2005 "School Climate Survey". Researchers studied "the level of homophobia, racism and gender-bias our kids face everyday in their schools across Iowa". This page has links for both the summary report and the complete report in pdf format.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Statue penis = porn: SF Police
San Francisco police officers informed a shop owner that a teakwood tabletop holder on display in the window of the business violates certain city codes and is considered to be pornography. The story (along with a maybe-not-safe-for-work photo) from San Francisco's Bay Area Reporter.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Google: "Free Anal Sex" - OK..."Homo" - Not OK
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Texas' Second Approval to Ban Gay Marriage
Texas voters Tuesday overwhelming approved a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage, making their state the 19th to take that step. AP National Writer David Crary's report on
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Elton Becomes Chicago's Gay Games Ambassador
Elton John has become the latest celebrity to become an ambassador for the Gay Games, saying he is “thrilled” to be involved with the event that will take place in Chicago next July. The story from includes links to other Gay Games info.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Hip-hop, Logo flap dismissed as ‘misunderstanding’
Officials at the gay cable channel Logo backed off charges this week levied by the creator of one of the network’s shows, who said that a hip-hop recording label refused a request for its music to be played on the show. Ryan Lee of explains the tiff centering around "Noah's Arc".
Thursday, November 03, 2005
APQC Announces new Board Members & Officers
New Board Members and Officers were elected at the APQC (Aids Project Quad Cities) Annual meeting Oct. 24 at the Butterworth Center in Moline, IL. All the details are in the Nov/Dec APQC Newsletter available in pdf format here.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Iowa Forum: Gays deserve safety
More than 200 people turned out on Tuesday for a discussion of school bullying, verbal harassment and sexual identity at a forum in Burlington, Iowa. Here's a well-researched story from Craig T. Neises of Burlington's The Hawk Eye daily news.
Monday, October 31, 2005
No Ghosts in Cary Grant's Closet
Room 907 at the Blackhawk Hotel is where Cary Grant, the movie matinee idol, spent some of his last hours before dying in Davenport, Iowa, 19 years ago, just prior to appearing on the Adler Theatre stage. Columnist Bill Wundram of the Quad City Times has a look around Grant's last hotel room.
Friday, October 28, 2005
A New Weapon Against HIV
A new weapon in the battle against HIV may come from an unusual source –tropical frogs. Investigators at Vanderbilt University Medical Center have discovered that compounds secreted by frog skin are potent blockers of HIV infection. Here's the report from Vanderbilt University.
And Star Trek's Sulu has come out. Here's the story from MSNBC.
And Star Trek's Sulu has come out. Here's the story from MSNBC.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Change in Illinois HIV reporting announced
If you live in Illinois and test positive for HIV, your name soon will be reported to the state. The facts from the Davenport, Iowa, Quad City Times.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Walgreens Gay Games Support Continues
The Walgreen Company has given $100,000 to help sponsor the 2006 Gay Games in Chicago. Or, more officially, the Gay Games VII Sports and Cultural Festival, which is scheduled for next July. And that support will not stop, despite disapproval by the Illinois Family Institute and the American Family Association. More on the story by Michael Bates of Renew America.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
A Step In The Right Direction
A story posted last night at outlines an Indiana State senator's attempt to muzzle the Rev. Fred Phelps - at least at military funerals.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Fox News' Smith Outed?
For you fans of Fox News (both of you), blogACTIVE has a nice little item on the outing of Fox News Channel's Shepard Smith.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Walgreen Targeted by Antigay Group for Gay Games Support
The Gay Financial Network has this story concerning an Illinois "Christian" organization threatening a boycott of Walgreen drug stores because of their contribution of $100k for Gay Games VII in Chicago, set for July 15th - 20th, 2006.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Love "South Park"? Eat dinner out? Maybe you're gay.
The Simmons Market Research Bureau has a press release on their new landmark Gay and Lesbian consumer study. A very interesting quick read.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Police mistreatment of GLBT widespread
Overlooked by US news media, Amnesty International UK, in a news release dated Sept. 28th, states that persons of color and the young are the most likely to suffer at the hands of the police in the US. You can read the full news release here.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Quad Cities Women's Chorus
The Quad Cities Women's Chorus, better known as HERSONG, has announced a new artistic director. Here's the story from the RiverCities Reader. HERSONG are regular contributor to Aids Project Quad Cities annual We Care Weekend fundraiser.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
American Veterans for Equal Rights
American Veterans for Equal Rights is looking to sign up one million veterans for National Veterans Coming Out Day today. The AVER home page has tons of useful info for LGBT Veterans, including a link you can use to urge the end to the military's ridiculous "Don't Ask - Don't Tell" policy. There is also a page of links for advocacy, social, and support organizations for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Community. Their site is definitely worth adding to your bookmarks.
Monday, October 10, 2005
National Coming Out Day Tomorrow
Tomorrow, October 11th, is, as you know, National Coming Out Day. A list of events around the country can be found at The Human Rights Campaign Foundation website. The site also contain a link to National Veterans Coming Out Day. Check the state-by-state listings for an event near you.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Rainbow sticker shocks Texas! Theatre closes!
A good friend of Rainbow Gifts recently sent us a link to a story in the Dallas Voice about the wonderful Texas Star Theatre in Granbury, Texas. Someone at the theatre placed a rainbow flag sticker (purchased from us on a door at the theatre causing a "buzz", then newspaper interview, then (mild?) controversy in town. Check out this story from the Dallas Voice regarding the reaction to the sticker. The Dallas Voice also has this follow-up about the sudden closing of the theatre. You can send words of support to the theatre at "". By the way, we at are not affiliated with the Texas Star Theatre. We just thought you might like to know what's going on in 2005 America. Now you know.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Anti-hate rally at Augustana College
Our post on Oct. 1st told of an upcoming anti-hate rally at Augustana College in Davenport, Iowa. The rally was spurred by a series of anti-gay vandalism and remarks. Here are two links to articles posted by the Quad City Times (Davenport, IA) and the Rock Island Argus/Moline Dispatch (IL) in their online editions when they covered the rally on Tuesday. The QCTimes story may have one pop-up.
Monday, October 03, 2005
APQC Red Ribbon Dinner 2006

Aids Project Quad Cities now has the tickets available for their 13th Annual Red Ribbon Dinner & Great Art Auction on Sunday, January 15th, 2006. Once again, the dinner will be held at the Isle of Capri Convention Center in Bettendorf, Iowa. Entertainment will feature comedian Jim David. Follow the link above the picture to see all the details, the dinner menu, and ticket prices. If you order your tickets before November 1st, there is a 10% discount.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Anti-gay activity elicits backlash in Iowa
A series of anti-gay vandalism and remarks spur a "anti-hate" rally on Tuesday on the Augustana College campus in Davenport, Iowa. Note: this link may contain 1 advertising pop-up. The story is from the Quad City Times of Davenport.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Gay News
Moreover Technologies - Gay news
Moreover Technologies - Gay news - More than 340 categories of real-time RSS news feeds.
OutPersonals: Worldwide Gay Personals - Sponsored Link
Ad - Anonymously meet gay/bi-sexual men for dates, casual relationships, and more. Search from over 500,000 profiles and photos of men near you today. It's free and easy to join.
Gay-nuptial foes hire Calif. consulting firm
...extract unavailable
Arnold Schwarzenegger terminates gay marriage bill
SAN FRANCISCO : California's movie star governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, on Thursday formally vetoed a landmark law that would have legalised gay marriage in the Golden state.
Nigeria archbishop sees pro-gays leaving Anglicanism
ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigeria's Anglicans have reorganised links with fellow churches to give pro-gay liberals a way out rather than to cause a split in the Church, its leader said on Thursday.
Gay Rights in Kalamazoo
Last November many of us had two reasons to lament the results of the American elections: the re-election of George Bush and the success of anti-gay-marriage constitutional amendments in many American states.
$4,000 payment 'biased against gays'
The federal government's exclusion of gays and transgender people from a $4,000 payment to help workers who believe they have been unlawfully sacked is discriminatory and vindictive, a lobby group says.
US gays fighting in Iraq: report
Openly gay soldiers are serving in the US forces in Iraq despite the long-standing dont ask, dont tell policy, a US Army spokesperson says.
Schwarzenegger vetoes same-sex marriage bill
...extract unavailable
Governor Vetoes Same-Sex Marriage Bill
SACRAMENTO Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger refused to legalize same-sex marriage or raise the minimum wage in a flurry of vetoes Thursday that killed a spate of Democratic-backed labor and consumer protection bills.
Arnold Gay to head SPH's Corporate Relations
Corporate Information Stock SINGAPORE Press Holdings (SPH) has appointed Mr Arnold Gay as acting head of corporate relations following the departure of Ms Irene Ngoo.
Gay Cowboy Tale Required Reading At Texas School
Andrew's Episcopal School in Austin, but not without a fight that cost the school $3 million. Brokeback Mountain was written by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Annie Proulx and appeared in the Oct. 13, 1997, issue of The New Yorker magazine.
Schwarzenegger vetoes gay marriage bill
SACRAMENTO, Calif, - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger followed through Thursday on his promise to veto a bill to legalize same-sex marriage, leaving the issue up to voters or judges who will likely face the volatile issue in the next year. '
Schwarzenegger Vetoes Gay Marriage Bill
(09-29) 21:52 PDT SACRAMENTO, Calif (AP) -- Gov.
IR payments 'biased against gays'
THE Federal Government's exclusion of gays and transgender people from a $4000 payment to help workers who believe they have been unlawfully sacked was discriminatory and vindictive, a lobby group said today.
Gay Man Sues Railroad and Wins
PETERSBURG -- A St. Petersburg court has ruled that the Oktyabrskaya Railroad acted illegally in rejecting a man's application to work as a train conductor because he was gay, the plaintiff's lawyer said.
Thank you for visiting!
Moreover Technologies - Gay news
Moreover Technologies - Gay news - More than 340 categories of real-time RSS news feeds.
OutPersonals: Worldwide Gay Personals - Sponsored Link
Ad - Anonymously meet gay/bi-sexual men for dates, casual relationships, and more. Search from over 500,000 profiles and photos of men near you today. It's free and easy to join.
Gay-nuptial foes hire Calif. consulting firm
...extract unavailable
Arnold Schwarzenegger terminates gay marriage bill
SAN FRANCISCO : California's movie star governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, on Thursday formally vetoed a landmark law that would have legalised gay marriage in the Golden state.
Nigeria archbishop sees pro-gays leaving Anglicanism
ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigeria's Anglicans have reorganised links with fellow churches to give pro-gay liberals a way out rather than to cause a split in the Church, its leader said on Thursday.
Gay Rights in Kalamazoo
Last November many of us had two reasons to lament the results of the American elections: the re-election of George Bush and the success of anti-gay-marriage constitutional amendments in many American states.
$4,000 payment 'biased against gays'
The federal government's exclusion of gays and transgender people from a $4,000 payment to help workers who believe they have been unlawfully sacked is discriminatory and vindictive, a lobby group says.
US gays fighting in Iraq: report
Openly gay soldiers are serving in the US forces in Iraq despite the long-standing dont ask, dont tell policy, a US Army spokesperson says.
Schwarzenegger vetoes same-sex marriage bill
...extract unavailable
Governor Vetoes Same-Sex Marriage Bill
SACRAMENTO Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger refused to legalize same-sex marriage or raise the minimum wage in a flurry of vetoes Thursday that killed a spate of Democratic-backed labor and consumer protection bills.
Arnold Gay to head SPH's Corporate Relations
Corporate Information Stock SINGAPORE Press Holdings (SPH) has appointed Mr Arnold Gay as acting head of corporate relations following the departure of Ms Irene Ngoo.
Gay Cowboy Tale Required Reading At Texas School
Andrew's Episcopal School in Austin, but not without a fight that cost the school $3 million. Brokeback Mountain was written by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Annie Proulx and appeared in the Oct. 13, 1997, issue of The New Yorker magazine.
Schwarzenegger vetoes gay marriage bill
SACRAMENTO, Calif, - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger followed through Thursday on his promise to veto a bill to legalize same-sex marriage, leaving the issue up to voters or judges who will likely face the volatile issue in the next year. '
Schwarzenegger Vetoes Gay Marriage Bill
(09-29) 21:52 PDT SACRAMENTO, Calif (AP) -- Gov.
IR payments 'biased against gays'
THE Federal Government's exclusion of gays and transgender people from a $4000 payment to help workers who believe they have been unlawfully sacked was discriminatory and vindictive, a lobby group said today.
Gay Man Sues Railroad and Wins
PETERSBURG -- A St. Petersburg court has ruled that the Oktyabrskaya Railroad acted illegally in rejecting a man's application to work as a train conductor because he was gay, the plaintiff's lawyer said.
Thank you for visiting!
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